Ana Reflections

Enriching The Tour Experience In Place

Ana Baskinger
Ana Baskingerr + Bryce Li



As the prevalence of digital media in our physical environments increases daily, what is the role and/or responsibility of designers in shaping our environments?

It is important for designers to adapt as society changes. So as digital media becomes a more substantial part of our daily lives designers must factor in the digital world. Designers have the ability to not just shape our future and the way we interact with the digital world, but actually create it. With that comes major responsibility to make sure developments and interactions are user friendly and conscious of every individual. Understanding the repercussions and impact of a designer’s designs has always been important, but as the world is becoming more and more connected it is extremely vital.


Self-reflection. How were the skills you developed in the first project similar and/or different from the second project? What is your understanding of the role of an Environments designer?

The skills I developed in the first project are really similar to the second project. Both made me think about space in ways I never really considered before. Both had me thinking about new ways that technology can be included in the real world. I especially feel like both of these projects pushed me to think about and really consider human gesture and how important that is when creating augmented interactions. The differences in the two projects really just came down to the fact that they are for different purposes. However, learning how to merge the digital and physical world was extremely important in both.

My understanding of the role of an Environments designer is to create experiences that advance a space — either virtual or digital. I also think that E designers are heavily focused on designing for inclusivity within experiences which is super cool and super important.



Ana Baskinger
Ana Baskingerr + Bryce Li

Undergrad Design Student at Carnegie Mellon University